


The use of a large number of Shandong flower landscape status of many urban greening, beautify the urban environment. Characteristics of flower with decorative effect remarkable, more and more attention, sowing range has also been expanding.


However, many of the sower not understand clear flower, especially for the budding flower fruit characteristics of some exports, often leads to harvest sprouting rate is low, improve the seedling cost.


We need to distinguish between the scope and the credibility of the The Seed Company in the purchase of seeds, the general formal company both have the right kind of source of goods number, origin, scientific name removal, seed quality, timely delivery, good service, mostly for export the original packaging hybrid first generation after sowing seeds, high germination rate, seedling tidy.


Special flower hair room temperature can be in 23 - 25 degrees, humidity above 95%, the most suitable for the majority of Shandong flower especially germination germination environment mean species. Without this environment place, to choose a relatively low temperature and high humidity shade, before harvest for heavily conditions for complete sterilization.

According to the understanding of Shandong nursery stock base Shandong different characteristics of flower fruit take different sowing techniques. When planting the proposed use of seeding tray specially, self-made seeding bed thickness to 5 cm above the soil, grain sowing can don't sow seeds to sow mainly tiny too.